Next.js Supabase Boilerplate is a comprehensive toolkit designed for design engineers working on developing AI applications. This software development kit (SDK) provides an ensemble of features like: frontend UI components, backend API functions, database management with Supabase DB, and an array of tools to create unique SaaS apps.
It also comes with built-in authentication and storage functions. With this toolkit, design engineers can create full stack features, generate components, build API routes, and develop policies for their SaaS applications.
Utilising the advantage of built-in Supabase and Next.js functions, developers can create robust, high-quality applications more rapidly and efficiently.
There are also several dev tools included which allow engineers to generate shadcn components and Supabase schemas. The toolkit also features API snippets and templates that can be copied directly into a developer's React app, significantly reducing development time.
Oversized UI components and authentications are part of the templates provided. In conclusion, this toolkit can dramatically expedite the process of creating SaaS applications.
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Pros & Cons
Comprehensive toolkit
Built for design engineers
Frontend UI components
Backend API functions
Database management with Supabase DB
Unique SaaS apps creation
Built-in authentication
Storage functions
Full stack features creation
Components generation
API routes building
Policies development capabilities
Inclusion of dev tools
Shadcn components generation
Supabase schemas generation
API snippets inclusion
Template availability
Direct copying into React app
Reduced development time
Oversized UI components
Inbuilt authentication in templates
Indie hacker SDK
Supabase and Next.js integration
Robust applications development
High-quality application design
Rapidly efficient application creation
Shad components copy-paste optimization
Radix UI and Tailwind CSS design
TypeScript compatibility
New Stripe Config
New ssr library
Supabase DB features
Embeddings in react
Years of value components
Nextjs Starters
Fully Designed Templates
Full stack features generation
Backend API snippets
Production ready templates
Saas Landing Page design
Dalle3 Logo creation full stack template
Lean boilerplate for rapid SaaS startup
UI components and animations
Generates everything from UI components to SQL schemas
Custom Gpt training
Lifetime membership availability
Includes new components, templates, new dev tools
Local components generation
Use your own api key
No subscription needed
Component iterations using natural language
Easy business logic generation
Generate a Nextjs 14 route or server action
Limited to Supabase DB
Oversized UI components
Requires knowledge of Next.js
Depends on tailwind CSS
No local storage
Fully designed templates limit customizability
Limited to React apps
Uses proprietary shadcn components
No mentioned support for other databases
Locked to specific tech stack
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